четверг, 6 декабря 2018 г.

Why should we have rights?

Why should we have rights ? 

Rights play an important role in the development of a nation or the growth of an organization. 
Moreover, rights give an individual an opportunity to be a part of the development process. As citizens of a democratic country we are all privileged to have some fundamental rights. 

Moreover , I believe that we should have rights for being responsible citizens. Being a responsible citizen covers many areas – some of them imply legal obligations, some social and some moral. So of course, because not all of them are legal obligations, being a responsible citizen is not as easy as staying within the law. In fact, to be a truly responsible citizen, we sometimes must go out of our way to do things which help our society – give a little of our time and effort for the greater good.

Furthermore , rights guarantee stable security in the society because there are some sanctions for people who break someone’s rights. 

All in all, our rights help us feel the freedom of individuality. When we understand that our government respect us , that we are HUMANS, the cleverest creatures in the whole universe, that we have rights - it makes us achieve our goals.

Why should we have rights : 
- To live in a fair world (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/24/nyregion/new-york-..
- To prevent chaos in the world(https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/14/opinion/brexit-dea..)
- expedite criminal prosecution
- To have an opportunity of believing (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/19/opinion/liberalism..)

понедельник, 10 сентября 2018 г.



Russia, Chelyabinsk
Dear Sam,
Sorry that I haven't been writing to you since august. I was too busy.
I would like to suggest you to take a part in rock concert where I will play on guitar. This concert will start at 4:32 am at fourth of October in the Gorky Park.

As far as you know I’ve been playing on guitar since today. So it’s would be first concert where I would ever play. That is excited I cannot wait to see you there.

Let me know will you go or will not you till tomorrow. Hope to see you there.

Best wishes,


                                                                                                                     Chelyabinsk, Russia
Darling Ben,
Great to hear from you! I really appreciate you for your invitation on rock concert where you will take a part as a guitarist player, to my mind that this is going to be legendary.

I would like to come to see your first performance. So I will do it I will come to see you. But I want to ask you where exactly would it happen? Do you sure that it would happen at 4:32 am? Because it is too early for concert.

Alright I will see you there. Thank you again for your inanition.
From Russia with love,


                                                                                                                        Chelyabinsk, Russia
Dear Ben,
Hello what’s happening in your life? Thank you a lot for your invitation on rock performance.

Unfortunately I cannot take a part in concert where you will play on guitar. I am so sorry but I will sleep at the time when this concert will happen. Because this concert will start at 4:32 am so I am working on this time. So I will lost work if I wouldn’t come.

I am sorry again but my work is much more important than your concert.  Anyway thank you again for your invitation on the rock performance.

From Russia with best wishes,
John cabrón

asking advice
Chelyabinsk Russia
Mr. Dickenson,
Hello Mr. Dickenson, I am your huge fun. I have been reading your books since my childhood. So now I want to write my own novel, but have a problem with novel writing.
I decided to write a novel with the name “War and Peace”, but never had I ever tried to write so I don't where to start to write a book.
So could you please help me with writing a book give me an advice where to start writing a book. I hope that you can find the time to help with an advice.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Gordon

Giving advice

                                                                                                                        Chelyabinsk, Russia
 Ms. Juanita,
I am working with you. So I want to help you work better.
To be honest, you are working not well at all, because after your last visit at the Mr. Johnson house he has lost his clocks. I know that you have stolen it but I would like to recommend you to steal Mr. Johnson’s fridge when next time you will work in his house again. You should take more than one things during robbery.
I Hope things will improve in your next robbery, because now you are doing it awful. Also I hope that you will join my opinion.
Best wishes,
Mr. Al Capone

понедельник, 23 апреля 2018 г.

Teens’ Leisure Time

There are a lot of similar things in our daily life in our modern time of globalization. These things we are doing every day and aren’t thinking, where does this thing comes from? For example I’m sure that you use to eat pasta at least one time at week. I hope that everybody in our planet use to eat that. But in this theme I want to describe the differences between Russians and English teens leisure time. 

English teenagers take pleasure in going to the library. Going to the library never be a waste of time but anyway Russians teens don’t.  Moreover English teens use to collect posters with sportsmen imagines. Russians teenagers don’t use to collect posters with sportsmen imagines. English teenagers use to visiting the cinema to improving one's mood . But Russains teenagers don't use to visiting the cinema to improving one's mood because Russians don’t go to the cinema as much as English teens.

To sum up there are a lot of differences between Russians and English teens, but anyway there are much more similar things in their life.  For example they are eating the same food; they are going to the cinema to the same movies but with a different frequency of visits.  All in all they are not so different and we shouldn’t find different things in their lifestyle, we should find similar things. 

воскресенье, 22 апреля 2018 г.

4) recycling

To my mind, rubbish recycling it is one of the most important things in our modern world. Humanity creates more than one hundred thousand tons of rubbish per day. There is just one question, what should we do with this rubbish? Lucky you are I have an answer on this question. Recycling, here is an answer. So, in this topic I want to tell you about recycling in my area and about my own recycling experience. 
First of all, rubbish from trash cans going to garbage recycling center. Garbage recycling center has the garbage sorted for four categories: glass, paper, plastic and unsorted one. Then, from sorted plastic, garbage recycling center will have new plastic bottles made. Factory will make magazines from sorted paper. Also recycling center will have a new glass bottles made from old glass.  
My own rubbish recycling experience started two years ago. I’ve been recycling rubbish since 2016 at my flat. I have sorted rubbish for four categories just like garbage recycling center and then put it for four different trash cans, which were located at the my village. All in all I have my rubbish sorted every day.  
To sum up I want to say that recycling programs at my region is not good at general. This program should take more money from the government budget. Because our future is future without trash. 

суббота, 21 апреля 2018 г.

1) Badges

To my mind, period between 60-s and 90-s was the most amazing in the world. On these badges we can see the new type of art which were created during this period of time.

On the first badge we could see a smiley and the inscription “Acid house” above the badge. On the slang language acid means type of drug. So this badge could be night club promotion or drug storehouse promotion.

On the purple badge you see the symbol of peace – white dove with the olive branch. I suppose that it was made by Hippy.

There is cupid with bow on the brown background on the third badge and the typescript – “save Piccadilly”. Actually I don’t know what does “Piccadilly” mean but to my mind it refers to the love theme.

There is typescript “I’m not a Tourist, I live here” on the orange background on the fourth picture.

On the fifth picture I see typescript “keep London transport local” maybe someday London transport had gone to get closed and people have created this badge to save it.

“I'm for cleaner London”- printed on the sixth badge. I have no doubt that this badge was made by the “greens” community, because it’s printed on the green color.

As for me I admired the badge number two, because I have a same ideology just like the Hippy culture.
All in all you may find many different art stiles in London museum.

2) Beavers

What are you imagining when you hear the word beaver? I am sure that you are thinking about beavers like about cute little animals. But what if I would tell you that beavers could be can weight 30 kilograms and could be 1.2 meters long. These “cute” animals could be cause of many problems. So in this topic I am going to tell you about problems which these animals can cause and about possible precautions. 
The first and the biggest problem is earth flooding after building dams which were made by the beavers. Precaution of this problem could be just monitoring the rivers and looking for dams building. When you see the dam creation, you should immediately destroy the dam because this dam will probably be the cause of earth flooding.
The second problem is that the beavers destroy young fruit trees which were planted by humans. There is just one decision of this problem. Precautions of this trees destroying problem is watching for trees and looking for beavers. 
Anyway these ways of precautions wouldn't help you in general, because you cannot monitor the whole river flow. Furthermore you can't watch for for every tree.
All in all we can’t fight with beavers.

3) recycling

Never had I ever recycle something. So I can't tell you about my own recycling experience. Instead it I want to tell you about the ways of recycling which are most often used in my area. Recycling is not so popular in my area. Instead of recycling we just collect rubbish on the rubbish dump. Because, recycling takes out a lot of money from the government budget and as far as you know my area is not the richest one. All in all my district haven't got any recycling programs. 

четверг, 19 апреля 2018 г.

put your records on

Three little birds, sat on my window. And they  told me I don't need to worry. Summer came like cinnamon so sweet,  Little girls double-dutch on the concrete. Maybe sometimes, we've got it wrong, but it's alright The more things seem to change , the more they stay  the same Oh, don't you hesitate . Chorus: Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song  just You go ahead, let your hair down          Sapphire and faded jeans, I  hold  you get your dreams,           Just go ahead, let your hair down.          You're going to find  yourself somewhere, somehow. Blue as the sky, sunburnt and lonely,  Sipping tea in a bar by the roadside, just relax , just   relax .  Don't you let those other boys fool you, got to love   that afro hair do. Maybe sometimes, we feel   afraid, but it's alright The more you  stay  the same, the more they seem to change  . Don't you think it's strange? (Repeat chorus) It was more than I could   say   , pity for pity's sake Some nights kept me awake, I thought that I was stronger When you going to realise, that you don't even have to      try  any longer? Do what you want to! (Repeat chorus x 2)

среда, 18 апреля 2018 г.

4 ideas about social media

A social networking is an online interaction service that managed to build people and connect them with shared interest. Social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter has attracted millions of users who have integrated these sites into their daily practices. Some sites cater to diverse audiences while others attract people based on their common language or national –based identity by making their own blog in the web. These sites are becoming so popular in the status quo because it continuously attract many people especially teenagers since their interests are being catered by these websites. Besides, virtual communities enhance people’s friendship and love relationship. In line with this, three of many features that SNS could offer- first, users can make their own profile that would associate to their selves and users could easily edit it as much as they want to share their information by adding friends. Second, there is an instant messaging, so you can easily communicate to other parts of the world in your place and time. And lastly you could check the other users’ profile including their pictures and read their personal information without their permission. Further, today’s generation has become so technology dependent. Teenagers tend to use educational sites like google for homework but, become side-tracked by social networking sites and ultimately dismiss their work. From that statement, we could assume that social networking sites have made a great impact on teenagers. Although, this impact could be advantageous and disadvantageous. The Internet has created a whole new world of social communications or social networking for young people who are using e-mail, Web sites, instant messaging, chat rooms and text messaging to stay in touch with friends and make new ones. While most interactions are positive, new technologies have given young people a new and powerful platform from which to target peers through social networking. One effect that...

One effect that you One effect that you could use social media for a shopping you shouldn’t go to the mall any more you may buy everything with the internet. Moreover social media it is a good place for for online dating. Further more Social networks are great as reminds about birthday. Also people may sell things which they don’t need to anymore.

понедельник, 16 апреля 2018 г.

Social Media at the Workplace

Social media become part of our life. In our modern society, it’s hard to find somebody, who hadn’t ever used social media.
So the first common social network was My space. This social network was designed in June of 2003 by Chris Devolph. Furthermore Facebook is the most popular social network now days. Facebook was designed in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, who now is one of the richest man in the whole world.
To begin with I want to say that social media is the easiest way to communicate with each other and moreover it is the cheapest way to communication.
But on the other hand, people wasting a lot of time while they are using social networks. Many networks have age limits. For example you mayn’t register in Facebook below the age of 13. I suppose the view that it is a good idea to have an age limit, because children cannot control their time.

All in all social media have are much more advantageous then disadvantageous. The fact of time wasting cannot be compared with the fact of the easiest way of communication. TV waste much more time then social media. So, waste of time, that just the question of time management. To sum up, waste a lot of time used social media or a little time it is just your choice.

вторник, 10 апреля 2018 г.

new sela

Nowadays time management its one of the most important think in our life. To my mind school time is the time to start work with your time management. And as a student of a high school I want give some piece of advice to improve your time management.  The majority of middle-scholars using cell phones at lunch. I want t suggest them to don’t do it because using your cell phones you are just wasting your time. Anyway students through fifth grade could carry cell phones only with special permission. And I think that it’s a good idea.

Sport it's interesting and very important part of our life. But doing sport we can’t but forget about our majority objective, about studding. Sport activities wasting a lot of time and if you want to be promising person you shouldn’t waste a lot of time on it. So for example many students take part in the sports team and in state of it they haven’t got a time for homework because they should train every time. I suggest them to stop playing at sports team to reduce their time.

 I supposed to think that college education is the most important one. So I suggest you to will be trained in several specialties. It's hard to do but if you would be good at time management skills you would probably find the time to do it.


link 1
link 2

What do you know about entertainment? When have it all started?

Nowadays after 8 hours of working you may do many sorts of entertainment. For example you may watch TV or search something in Internet, go to sport game.  
In this topic I want to describe ancient Romans entertainment. Romans liked to go to the public baths.typical trip to the public baths was quite an event. It might begin with some exercise in the gymnasium. Next came a visit to the tepidarium, where another attendant scraped the oil, dirt and sweat offs the body with a metal tool. When clean, the Romans took a swim in the baths. There were both hot water pools and cold water pools. The waters of the public baths were continuously refreshed by aqueducts and heated by underground furnaces.
Another one activity was Throwing Christians to the lions.  Christians were disliked and punished for not honoring and sacrificing to the Roman gods. And people were watching on that. This is bloody entertainment and I don’t want describe this.
All in all in Ancient Rome people have a lot of entertainment.  

вторник, 20 марта 2018 г.

letter (New version)

                                                London, Great Britain
Dear Bob,
Thank you for the last letter. Sorry for don’t writing so long, I was busy.
To begin with I want to say that that your decision of choosing the college was surprised for me. Because as far as I know you are studying at the fifth grade and it’s too early for you for choosing the college.
I haven’t got a problem with my career choice. My parents and my friends have suggested me to make a janitor career. Opinions of others people influence me much so I have decided go to janitors College. It is the best college in my country. As far as you know my country is the poorest country in the whole world.
By the way you’ve said that you’ve moved so what can you tell about your new house? What about your dad isn’t he sick? Why it’s so difficult for you to choice the college?
Write back as soon as you can.
From West Africa with love,

понедельник, 12 марта 2018 г.


Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. What do you prefer?
The majority of people prefer to travel alone. Another part of people have the opposite point of view. So why do them what are the pros and cons of traveling with or without companion.

To begin with traveling alone it`s much cheaper then traveling with companion because you are paying just for yourself and in state of it you may chose more comfortable (but much expensive) way of transporting. For example in state of annoying flying on the plane you may buy a ticket for euro train or to hyper loop this way. 
But on the other hand it`s drearily to travel alone you haven't got a person to talk with nobody would help you with something. And you can`t with extreme place. For example in group of 3 you could take a journey to the centre of the earth. And you can’t do it alone because it’s too risky. Also with the companion you could go swim with the dolphins.
As for me I prefer to travel with somebody because you have a person to talk with and you may try some extreme activities like a journey to the centre of the earth.
All in all to travel with the companion or without it’s just your choice.