четверг, 6 декабря 2018 г.

Why should we have rights?

Why should we have rights ? 

Rights play an important role in the development of a nation or the growth of an organization. 
Moreover, rights give an individual an opportunity to be a part of the development process. As citizens of a democratic country we are all privileged to have some fundamental rights. 

Moreover , I believe that we should have rights for being responsible citizens. Being a responsible citizen covers many areas – some of them imply legal obligations, some social and some moral. So of course, because not all of them are legal obligations, being a responsible citizen is not as easy as staying within the law. In fact, to be a truly responsible citizen, we sometimes must go out of our way to do things which help our society – give a little of our time and effort for the greater good.

Furthermore , rights guarantee stable security in the society because there are some sanctions for people who break someone’s rights. 

All in all, our rights help us feel the freedom of individuality. When we understand that our government respect us , that we are HUMANS, the cleverest creatures in the whole universe, that we have rights - it makes us achieve our goals.

Why should we have rights : 
- To live in a fair world (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/24/nyregion/new-york-..
- To prevent chaos in the world(https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/14/opinion/brexit-dea..)
- expedite criminal prosecution
- To have an opportunity of believing (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/19/opinion/liberalism..)

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