пятница, 24 ноября 2017 г.

The best film star

My favourite film star it is Arnold Schwarzenegger, he is from Austria. He has started filming in the year 1970 in movie "Hercules in New York". The most successful part of this actor was in the film "Terminator" and the "Terminator judgement Day" and in the film "Red Heat". Moreover he had been governor of the State California from 2003 to 2011. My favourite film with this actor it's Terminator judgement day. I love this film because this movie tell us about how the boy have stopped the judgement day. This movie is about Brave boy and the Terminator who have helped him. And Arnold Schwarzenegger have played the main part in this movie. He hasn't said many words but  it was the best movie with this actor.

четверг, 16 ноября 2017 г.

consenquences the first flight of Gagarin had for the whole mankind

In the year of 1961 the Russian man Gagarin has made the first space fly around the Earth. But what does this flight consequence for the whole mankind?
Firstly I should say that that was a space race (who will make a space flight first) between two world superpowers, between United State of America and Soviet Union. This flight was the first human flight.
As far as you know Soviet Union has win this race, and for the world society that has mean that the Soviet Union the more Powerful than USA. The second result it’s the beginning of the space age. And in future we could start create a flight to the nearest planets and to the nearest stars. So why people now could send a rockets to the Mars because in the 1961 Gagarin has made a first space flight.

All in All this flight has changed not just Soviet Union is has changed the whole world. After this flight in the 12 of April 1961 mankind start the new age the new history period the Space Age! And you shouldn’t forget about a man who was the first in the space and you should not forget about the country which has made the first flight because you shouldn’t forget when our Space age have started.